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This is a Now Page. Inspired by Derek Sivers.

Last Updated:
(Or exactly ago)

Where am I right now?

I’m in the (south) Bay Area of California!

If you'd like you know exactly how far apart we are, click the following button :)

What am I up to?

In search for a new job in web development

I’m currently on the lookout for a new job in web development. If you or your team is looking for someone with TypeScript and/or Elixir experience, I’d love to chat!

Learning Elixir & Phoenix

On my quest to a find a productive web framework for a solo developer, I stumbled upon Elixir and Phoenix. I’m currently doing a deep dive into these two technologies and having a lot of fun learning them :)

You check out projects I’ve been working on over on GitHub.

Practicing calisthenics

I’m slowing inching towards my goal of unlocking all the following calisthenics skills:

  • One-arm Pullup (OAP)
  • Front Lever (FL)
  • Handstand Pushup (HSPU)
  • 🚧 Planche (PL)

I was able to finally achieve the handstand pushup last year. This year, my focus is 100% on training the planche.

If you’re interested in following my training progress, I occasionally post updates on Instagram.